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添加时间:2018/12/25 来源:北京石油化工学院 作者:高宪鹏






  (3)针对高速驱动电机调速范围广、精度要求高的特点,提出了基于模糊自适应 PI 控制器的转速调节算法。以新型磁悬浮陀螺飞轮驱动电机为对象,设计了一套以 DSP 为控制核心的电机驱动器,完成了驱动器的原理图设计和 PCB 布线。最后,编写了电机转速控制代码,并在设计的驱动器上实现了速度调节,通过对采集的霍尔信号和反电动势的波形进行分析,结果表明,该驱动器和算法可较好的实现电机转速控制。

  (4)磁轴承控制系统是一个多通道、高集成的控制系统,但由于单独的 DSP 因为资源有限不能满足该控制需求。因此,根据实际需求,设计了一种基于 DSP+FPGA 构型的集成化、低功耗的磁轴承数字控制系统,并完成了原理图设计和 PCB 布线。磁轴承控制系统整体架构是由控制芯片读取转子位移传感器的位置信号,获取转子的位置,输出数字量,控制 D/A 芯片输出控制电压,经过线性功放放大后完成位置闭环。其中,FPGA 负责整体时序控制,驱动 A/D 和D/A 芯片,DSP 完成磁轴承控制的位置闭环算法。最后,完成了磁轴承控制系统的搭建,并对其进行了实验验证。



  Due to the contact between stator and rotor, traditional mechanical flywheels have the deficiency of large friction, high power consumption,short life and large noise. The deficiency of traditional mechanical flywheels is overcomed by the magnetic suspension flywheel. It also has the advantages of active vibration control and vibration suppression. The high-speed rotor of the magnetic suspension frame flywheel is deflected by deflection magnetic bearing, and the high torque is output by the way of changing the direction of the rotor speed, which drives the spacecraft platform to move quickly. The new type of magnetic suspension gyro flywheel has the function of a large control torque output and attitude sensitivity at the same time. The high-speed rotor precession is made by a deflection magnetic bearing, and output large torque. It can alse use the deflection magnetic bearing to compensate disturbance torque and sense the attitude of the spacecraft.

  The drive system of the new magnetic suspension gyro flywheel and the control system of the magnetic bearing are the guarantee of its high-precision torque output and attitude sensitivity. The advantages and disadvantages of the controller will directly affect the operating state of the new magnetic suspension gyro flywheel. The operating state of the new magnetic suspension gyro flywheel is affected directly by the advantages and disadvantages of the controller. This paper takes the new magnetic suspension gyro flywheel as the research object, designs the drive motor and magnetic bearing control system of the new magnetic suspension gyro flywheel, and conducts in-depth research from four aspects. The drive motor and magnetic bearing control system of the new magnetic suspension gyro flywheel is designed, and conducts in-depth research from four aspects.

  (1) The overall structure of the new magnetic gyro flywheel is introduced. The structure of the new magnetic suspension gyro flywheel has a great influence on the performance of the control system. The magnetic bearing and the driving motor are introduced in detail as the controlled object, and the working principle is explained and the control model is set up to make the paving for its high precision drive.

  (2) Aimming at the high precision speed control of the new magnetic suspension gyro flywheel, the source of the speed error is analyzed in two aspects, one is the structure of the motor and the two is the commutation of the motor. The emphasis is on the analysis of the error caused by the structure of the body. A magnetic steel correction scheme based on magnetic field measurement is proposed, and a magnetic field uniformity measurement device based on Holzer's principle is designed. Finally,magnetic field measurement experiments were carried out on the built device. The experiment shows that the device can measure the uniformity of the magnetic field, and has a good reference effect on the assembly of the motor magnetic steel. It has important engineering value and can improve the precision of the driving motor.

  (3) Aiming at the wide speed range and high accuracy requirement of high-speed drive motor, a speed adjustment algorithm based on fuzzy adaptive PI controller is proposed. A new type of magnetic suspension gyro flywheel drive motor is taken as the object. A set of motor drives with DSP as the control core is designed. The schematic design and PCB wiring of the driver are completed. Finally, the motor speed control code is written, and the speed regulation is realized on the designed driver. The analysis of the hall signal and the anti electromotive force waveform is carried out. The result shows that the driver and the algorithm can realize the motor speed control better.

  (4) The magnetic bearing control system is a multi channel and high integrated control system, however, due to the limited resources, the single DSP cannot meet the control requirement. Therefore, according to the actual needs, A kind of integrated and low power magnetic bearing digital control system based on DSP+FPGA configuration is designed,and the PCB routing is completed. The overall structure of the magnetic bearing control system is to read the position signal of the rotor displacement sensor by the control chip, and the position of the rotor is obtained, digital quantity is output , and the D/A chip control of the voltage is output, and complete the position closed loop after the amplifier is amplified by linear amplifier. Among them, FPGA is responsible for the whole timing control, the A/D chip is draven by the FPGA, and the position closed loop algorithm of the magnetic bearing control is completed by DSP. Finally, the control system of the magnetic bearing is completed and tested.

  KEY WORDS: Magnetic suspension gyro flywheel, Speed control,Motor driver design, Magnetic bearing control system design,DSP+FPGA







  国内磁悬浮飞轮起步很晚。“十五”期间,中国的科研机构和高校才开始磁悬浮飞轮技术的研究,主要以中国航天科技集团 8 院 812 所,国防科技大学、北京航空航天大学等单位为核心。

  北京航空航天大学是国内最早和唯一对磁悬浮控制力矩陀螺进行研究的单位,于从 20 世纪 90 年代末期,首先开始对大型空间站用单框架磁悬浮控制力矩陀螺进行论证,还继续研究了磁悬浮动量轮、磁悬浮反作用飞轮、磁悬浮姿控/储能两用飞轮[41-44]。北京航空航天大学已经掌握了磁悬浮飞轮和磁悬浮控制力矩陀螺系统总体设计[39]、低功耗永磁偏置磁轴承设计[40]等多项关键技术。

  航天 8 院 812 所与高校进行合作,研制成功了纯电磁支撑的外转子结构的磁悬浮飞轮和轴向永磁被动悬浮的磁悬浮飞轮。图 1-11 所示为 812 所研制的磁悬浮飞轮原理样机。国防科技大学开展了两自由度主动控制型 MSFW 和四自由度主动控制型 MSMW 的研究。









磁轴承控制系统输出 5Hz 的正弦波形
磁轴承控制系统输出 5Hz 的正弦波形

频率为 10Hz 正弦波形
频率为 10Hz 正弦波形

频率为 15Hz 正弦波形
频率为 15Hz 正弦波形


目 录

  第一章 绪论
    1.1 选题背景与研究意义
    1.2 磁悬浮陀螺飞轮发展现状研究
      1.2.1 磁悬浮陀螺飞轮国外研究现状
      1.2.2 磁悬浮陀螺飞轮国内研究现状
    1.3 磁悬浮陀螺飞轮控制系统研究现状
    1.4 论文内容与工作安排
  第二章 新型磁悬浮陀螺飞轮结构和控制模型
    2.1 引言
    2.2 新型磁悬浮陀螺飞轮结构
    2.3 驱动电机结构
    2.4 磁轴承结构
      2.4.1 磁阻力磁轴承
      2.4.2 洛伦兹力磁轴承
    2.5 本章小结
  第三章 驱动电机控制误差分析及磁场测量装置实现
    3.1 引言
    3.2 高速驱动电机控制精度误差分析
    3.3 高速驱动电机磁场测量方案研究
      3.3.1 高速电机磁场均匀性测试方案
      3.3.2 线性霍尔传感器测量电路设计
    3.4 磁场测量电路实验测试与结果分析
    3.5 本章小结
  第四章 模糊自适应 PI 控制算法及电机驱动器设计实现
    4.1 引言
    4.2 高速驱动电机高精度控制方法
      4.2.1 高速驱动电机数学模型建立
      4.2.2 高速驱动电机双闭环调速系统实现
    4.3 基于自适应模糊 PI 的电机高精度控制
      4.3.1 自适应模糊 PI 控制器方案
      4.3.2 自适应模糊 PI 控制器设计
    4.4 高速驱动电机测试环境搭建与实验
      4.4.1 高速电机驱动器硬件设计
      4.4.2 高速电机驱动器软件设计
      4.4.3 实验研究
    4.5 本章小结
  第五章 磁轴承控制系统搭建与实验研究
    5.1 引言
    5.2 新型磁悬浮陀螺飞轮磁轴承控制系统设计
      5.2.1 控制需求分析
      5.2.2 控制方案确定
    5.3 新型磁悬浮陀螺飞轮控制系统硬件设计
      5.3.1 核心控制板设计
      5.3.2 功率板设计
      5.3.3 母板与测试板设计
      5.3.4 硬件加工设计
    5.4 新型磁悬浮陀螺飞轮控制系统软件设计
    5.5 新型磁悬浮陀螺飞轮控制系统悬浮实验
    5.6 本章小结
  第六章 结论与展望
    6.1 结论
    6.2 展望
  参 考 文 献
  致 谢


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