摘 要
在系统开发方式的选择上,系统主要采用面向对象开发方式,即根据用户需求,利用UML 建模方式绘制出系统的用例图、类图以及时序图和状态图,这为之后在开发过程中代码的编写奠定了良好基础。考虑到实验室环境以及与用户的交流,系统的开发方式同时也在一定程度上借鉴了目前比较流行的敏捷开发方式。敏捷开发的侧重点是进行一种类似迭代形式的开发,过程中更加重视循序渐进,在开发者与用户不断沟通的过程中,不断完善系统每一个功能,从而能够用更短的时间达到更加理想的效果。
在功能方面,招生考试信息服务网移动客户端侧重实现下述几项功能:首先,实现用户手机号码验证注册管理功能以确保考生和系统用户的一一对应;其次,考生可以在移动客户端上实现有关各类考试的问题咨询;再次,考生可以通过移动客户端浏览所有考试资讯,了解最新考试动态;另外,系统将实现资讯的智能推送功能,通过智能匹配该登录手机号码对应用户的高考成绩,并根据考试院提供的后台匹配算法有针对性的为考生推送不同的报考信息。技术方面,对于移动开发来说,能够实现服务器端与客户端之间的通信是系统开发的关键步骤,在开发过程中主要采用 OKhttp 协议来完成。考虑到招生考试信息服务网移动客户端设计开发的初衷是方便用户随时随地方便的查询考试资讯,因此综合流量和网络等多方面因素,决定采用目前开发中广泛使用的 JSON 数据格式,以提高数据的传输效率。系统服务器采用的是 windows 2008 R2 操作系统,系统后台的开发使用的是 IntelliJ IDEA 平台,移动应用的开发则采用最新的安卓开发平台Android Studio。数据库使用的是 SQL Server 2008。
关键字:安卓开发智能推送 OkHttp 协议 JSON 数据格式
Hebei admission examination information service network arose at the historic moment when the demand of education informationization is increasing day by day and Hebei province is playing an important role in the field of education and examination in China.The information published by the admission examination information service network covers various types of examination such as the college entrance examination enrollment, CET exams, the adult college examination enrollment and the postgraduate qualifying examination.The operation of the website runs well, and it plays an important role in helping candidates get access to the examination information.In the rapid development of mobile application, developing a mobile client for the admission examination information service network can make users more convenient and extend the user group which would serve the users by publish more useful information.
This essay will describe the whole process of designing and developing of the mobile client of the admission examination information service network. The application will run the Android as operation system. The article will place emphasis on the requirements analysis, the designof the system and the implementation process. In term of the choice of system development mode, the essay mainly uses the way of object-oriented approach, namely according to the requirements of customers, applying UML modeling method to design the system use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram and state diagram which lays a good foundation for writing code during the development process. In view of the lab environment and interaction with the users, the development of the system also learns from the current relatively popular mode of agile development to some extent.The main point of agile development is similar to develop in an iterative form; it pays more attention to doing something step by step during the development process. Based on the effective communication between developers and users, each function of the system will be finished perfectly, which can use less time to achieve more ideal effect.
In terms of function, the mobile client of admission examination information service network focus on achieve the following several features: first of all, the system will realize the user's phone number validation management to ensure that the examinees and the users of the system is a one-to-one relationship;second, the examinee can ask questions on the mobile client about all kinds of test questions; third, the users can find all the test information on the mobile client which can help them get access to the latest information in examination, in addition, the system will achieve the function of information intelligent push through the intelligent matching of the corresponding user login phone number of the university entrance exam, and then push different information to each user according to the background matching algorithm provided by examination authority.In terms of technology, for android mobile development, realizing the communication between the server and the client is the key step in the development process, so the system mainly applies the latest network communication framework, called OKhttp, to interact. Because the purposes of designing the admission examination information service network mobile client is to help users get access to the information easily in anytime and anywhere, combining multiple factors, the system will adopt the JSON data format, which now is widely used in the development of application to improve the transmission efficiency of data.In this article, the server of the system uses windows 2008 R2, system server-side development uses IntelliJ IDEA platform, the development of client-side uses the Android studio development platform, which integrated android development technique, and choose SQL Server 2008 as the database.
The article will describe the whole process of system development from series of aspects such as related technology and theory research, demand analysis and modeling, the design of system, system testing, and finally give advice to further research by thinking deeply about the disadvantages of the development process.
Key Words: Android development, Intelligent pushes, OKhttp protocol, JSON data format
随着移动互联网的深入发展,我国手机网民人数激增,智能手机时代的价值核心开始转向软件与应用[2]。目前移动应用的普及速度快、发展态势迅猛,用户通过移动客户端对网站进行访问的需求越来越高。据艾媒咨询近年来发布的《2015 年中国手机 APP市场研究报告》,截至2015年第二季度,中国的智能手机用户规模已经达到了6.01亿人,其中使用第三方手机应用商店的用户规模也在逐年递增。
综合以上各类情况,加之一系列的网络研究调查表明,目前全国各省的教育考试部门都在积极地探索利用信息网络技术为考试管理工作服务、为考生服务,把统一信息规范、实现信息共享作为课题研究重点[4]。根据调查研究,目前全国已有 14 个省开发了类似招生考试信息服务类的网站,其中湖北、云南、广东三个省已经开发了与之对应的移动客户端。它们的简要功能如下。
第 2 章为系统相关技术的理论研究,主要介绍安卓开发目前的发展情况以及开发招生考试信息服务网移动客户端具体要依赖哪些技术实现完整的功能。
第 3 章为系统需求分析及建模。详细分析理解客户的需求分析,之后利用 UML 建模的方式绘制静态及动态模型图。
第 4 章为招生考试信息服务网移动客户端的架构设计,该部分主要是对系统的硬件环境和软件环境,系统架构的分析和部署以及数据库结构进行介绍与分析。
第 5 章为系统实现。主要对系统的各个功能模块利用何种技术如何实现,模块接口的设计与应用进行介绍。
第 6 章为系统运行与测试,该部分主要介绍系统的运行结果,展示了部分界面运行效果图。另外论文中还详细叙述了所用的主要功能测试方法以及部分功能模块的测试用例。
目 录
1 绪论
1.1 引言
1.2 研究背景、目的及意义
1.3 研究内容
1.4 论文章节安排
2 相关理论研究综述
2.1 安卓开发环境搭建
2.2 安卓系统结构
2.3 JSON 数据传输格式
2.3.1 JSON 语法格式
2.3.2 JSON 数据传输格式的优势
2.3.3 GSON 框架
2.4 网络连接方式选择
2.4.1 OKhttp 方式
2.4.2 Volley 框架方式
2.4.3 网络连接方式优势对比与选择
2.5 代码管理工具的选择
3 系统需求分析与建模
3.1 模块划分
3.1.1 用户注册及管理模块
3.1.2 信息展示模块
3.1.3 咨询专题模块
3.1.4 报考信息精准推送模块
3.2 移动客户端系统相关用例描述与功能需求
3.2.1 游客用例描述
3.2.2 注册用户功能描述
3.2.3 咨询员功能描述
3.2.4 审核员功能描述
3.3 系统非功能性需求
3.3.1 系统可扩展性
3.3.2 系统易用性
3.3.3 系统健壮性
4 系统设计
4.1 服务器端架构
4.2 客户端总体设计架构
4.3 系统功能结构设计
4.4 数据库设计
4.4.1 移动客户端 E-R 图
4.4.2 系统主要实体数据字典
4.4.3 数据库表设计
5 系统实现
5.1 登录页面实现
5.2 一级导航页面实现
5.3 网站首页功能实现
5.4 浏览网站新闻功能实现
5.5 个人信息管理功能实现
5.6 系统设置功能实现
5.7 手机短信验证码实现用户注册的实现
5.8 智能推送消息实现
6 系统运行与测试
6.1 系统运行效果图
6.2 系统测试
6.2.1 测试方法
6.2.2 测试用例
7 总结与展望
7.1 总结
7.2 展望
附 录
致 谢