In the construction and development of moderm cities and societies, all industries are involved in the problem of material transportation and handling. Among many materials transportation, the transportation of soft materials has a very broad development space. At present, many factories still use traditional manual handling methods, which are not only inefficient and unsafe, but also affect people's health. Therefore, it is a ncessary trend for the development of modem industry to design a assisting mechanical equipment adapted to the working environment, the manipulator which can assist manual handling to improve work efficiency and ensure personal safety by gradually replacing manual labor with machinery.
Based on the investigation of the domestic and foreign assisting manipulator technology, this article combines the actual handling environment and functional requirements to clarify the task requirements of the project, determine the working process, and realize the work requirements of unloading, transportation and palletizing of soft materials. In this paper, the gantry structure is used to move in space, and a compound assisting manipulator model based on the theory of cell change and vacuum adsorption is proposed. The motion attiude of the manipulator is analyzed and optimized. The function of pick up, lift, transport and release of the assisting manipulator is realized by virtual prototype technology.
According to the working environment and functional requirements of the assisting manipulator, the overall structure of the assing manipulator is designed in detail, and the 3D modeling of the prototype is completed with the help of software. The strength of the key position of the gantry is checked by the finite element method, and the statics analysis and pickup performance analysis are carried out to ensure the working stability and safety of the manipulator. The D-H method is used to establish the kinematic model of the assisting manipulator, and the forward and inverse solutions and Jacobian matrix of the manipulator are obtained. Monte Carlo method is used to simulate and analyze the working space of the manipulator, which lays the foundation for the trajectory planning and motion control of the manipulator.
Based on the kinematic analysis of the manipulator, the mechanical equation of the assisting manipulator is established by using the Lagrange method. The prototype model of the assisting manipulator is introduced into the Adams environment, and the dynamic simulation of the manipulator is carried out. The displacement, speed, torque and other change curves of the assisting manipulator in the process of movement are analyzed, and the rationality and stability of the assisting manipulator are verified, which provides certain theoretical basis for the structural opimization of the asiting manipulator and the manufacture of the physical prototype. This paper has carried out related theoretical research, structural design and simulation analysis on the assisting manipulator, which provides theoretical and technical support for the gantry assisting manipulator that picks up and transports soft materials, and has high practical application value.
Keywords: Assting manipulator; Soft material; Structural design; Kinematics; The simulation analysis
1.3主 要研究内容和创新点
2.1 总体方案设计
2.2 龙门架方案设计
2.3基于真空吸附 原理的刚性吸盘
3.1龙门式助力机械手 结构设计
3.2助力机械手拾取性 能分析
3.4助力机械手 共振性能分析
4.1 D-H 法理论基础
4.2助力机械手 运动学分析
5.3基于 ADAMS软件的助力机械手仿真与分析
6 Conclusions and prospects
本文在调研国内外助力机械手技术的基础,上。针对搬运环境和助力机械手功能要求,运用变胞原理和真空吸附原理,提出了- -种复合式助力机械手模型,对其进行了整体结构设计和仿真分析。仿真结果表明,本文设计的助力机械手结构合理,能够满足功能设计要求。本文完成的研究工作成果如下:
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