With the development of information technology, Internet has become one of the important ways for children to contact with outside world. It has developed into a social requirement to educate children through digital means. But in China the construction of children websites are still on the initial stage with limited contents and interaction designed according to children's cognition. Thus the purpose of edutainment is far from being satisfied. Usability engineering methods are widely adopted and regarded to be useful ways to collect children's requirements and design children products. However, at present there are no relevant studies or practices in China.
The paper is based on the commission project of Mykaka edutainment Co. Ltd.The author tries to apply usability engineering methods to reconstruction of the existed children website. The study is made up of three parts. The first part is to propose and verify the new method. The author does conventional usability test on Mykaka (Animation edition). The study exposes several problems of conventional usability testing method as low-efficiency, limited output and concealment of children's true feelings. Under the above-said circumstances, combined with literature review and analysis, the author puts forward a new method named constructive facilitation test. 16 children users from Dalian and Shanghai are selected to take part in the two tests through which the method is verified and existing usability problems are found. The second part is children behavior extraction and website construction guidelines proposal.
First of all, the author conducts user interviews and questionnaires to get a basic understanding about children online activities and finds that similar problems with Mykaka also exist in other children websites. So it is significantly important to do further research on Mykaka. Then the author extracts the feature of preschool children's website behaviors and proposes guidelines for children Flash websites. The last part is Mykaka redesign and evaluation. According to the website construction guidelines, the author redesigns Mykaka website and makes the Interactive prototypes employing Flash technology and then evaluates them through cognitive walkthrough method. The results show that the redesigned website frame and content are better in line with children's cognitive style, thus the effect is improved and the guidelines are proved to be effective.
The study indicates that usability engineering methods can be applied to the design, improvement and evaluation of children's products; in given conditions, better effects can be observed by using modified methods; children behaviors and guidelines based on user studies can be used to effectively supervise development for next phase.
Key Words:Usability engineering; Constructive facilitation test; Interaction design; Guidelines
以用户为中心的思想是Donald Norman于1986年提出的,它是可用性研究方法的核心。针对传统开发过程中过分地强调以技术和功能为中心而忽视用户需求的状况,可用性研究方法提倡在开发交互式产品过程中,充分考虑用户因素,强调从用户的角度来看产品是否易用!高效!令人满意,以此开发出符合用户需求的产品。好的儿童网站应该满足儿童用户的需求,其核心也是以用户为导向的。因此,我们可以尝试性地将可用性研究方法贯穿于儿童网站的评估和设计过程中,并可根据具体情况和需求,探索适合中国儿童用户评估方法,以更加有效地改进用户体验。
第1章 绪论
1.1 概述
1.2 传统可用性相关概念
1.2.1 可用性的含义
1.2.2 可用性工程
1.3 儿童用户体验及儿童
1.3.1 乐趣
1.3.2 儿童的分类
1.4 本文工作
第2章 儿童网站的可用性
2.1 儿童网站可用性研究现状
2.2 儿童网站可用性的典型研究方法
2.3 小结
第3章 学龄前儿童用户测试方法研究
3.1 研究对象和研究方案
3.2 任务制定
3.2.1 启发式评估
3.2.2 评估准则的制定
3.2.3 方法实施
3.2.4 结果分析
3.3 传统可用性测试方法
3.3.1 测试方法
3.3.2 方法实施
3.3.3 测试结果统计与分析
3.4 协同引导测试方法
3.4.1 方法提出
3.4.2 方法实施
3.4.3 测试结果的统计与分析
3.5 方法对比分析
3.5.1 按照发现问题进行分析
3.5.2 按照用户发表的言语评论进行分析
3.5.3 按照引导者进行分析
3.6 小结
第4章 学龄前儿童用户行为习惯及网站建设研究
4.1 儿童上网情况调查
4.1.1 研究方法
4.1.2 方法实施
4.1.3 调查结果统计与分析
4.1.4 小结
4.2 学龄前儿童使用网站的行为特征
4.3 儿童Flash网站建设指导原则
4.4 小结
第5章 国内儿童Flash网站改进研究
5.1 网站的重新设计
5.1.1 网站整体框架的设计
5.1.2 电子书内容的交互设计二
5.1.3 游戏内容的交互设计
5.2 网站改进后效果分析
5.2.1 评估方法
5.2.2 评估实施
5.2.3 结果分析
5.3 小结