电算时,先用PMCAD软件进行结构平面布置,检查平面数据,输入次梁楼板,输入荷载数据,形成PK文件,画结构平面图,然后使用PK进行框架计算;最后用SAT-8软件进行框架的空间结构计算,输出楼板配筋图、框架梁柱配筋图及基础配筋图。再用TSSD FOR ACAD2004进行楼梯配筋计算。
Abstract: The subject of this graduation project is Ganzhou hichang booming hotel design, the building's total construction area is about 3720 square meters, a total of six, building height of 23.4 meters. The construction of reinforced concrete frame structure the whole place. Foundation under column base with ladder-type place and place the joint basis.
The design includes architectural design, structural calculation and structure of the ICC hands of three parts. One major architectural importance under construction, engineering geological survey report, the type of construction sites and construction of the height and number of layers to determine the building's structure, this project uses a frame structure.
Hand-counted part of the calculations of the main contents of project profiles, component dimensions of the initially identified, the framework of the calculation diagram, load calculation, calculation of the framework of horizontal lateral, the framework contained in the horizontal wind, vertical load calculation and analysis and calculation of internal forces , internal force composition, cross section design, stair design and basic design. Which calculated the level of earthquake force limit state design method used. In the beam and column design to a "strong column and weak beam" principle.
Computing, the first structure with PMCAD layout software, check the print data, enter the sub-beam floor, enter the load data, the formation of PK files, draw the structure plan, and then use the PK to frame calculation; Finally, SAT-8 software framework Spatial structure calculation, the output slab reinforcement plans, the framework and foundation beam reinforcement reinforcement plan map. Stairs then TSSD FOR ACAD2004 for reinforcement calculation.
In the design process using hand and computer computation in two ways, the result for checking, to detect design errors as well as different parts of Computing, identify the causes.
Key words: graduate design, hotel, frame structure, internal force composition, cross section design.
目 录
该宾馆为六层钢筋混凝土框架结构体系,建筑面积约为3700㎡左右。采用普通砖,现浇钢筋混凝土楼板,各层层高均为3.9m, 室内外高差0.45m,建筑设计使用年限50年。
2.1 气象资料:基本雪压0.35KN/㎡,雪荷载准永久值分Ⅲ区,地面粗糙度类别为B类。全年为西北风,基本风压为0.5KN/㎡。年最高温39.8℃,最低温度-8℃。相对温度75%.
2.2 地质资料:建筑场地土层自下而上依次为杂填土层、粉质粘土层、粗砂层、细砂层、砾砂层,采用天然地基,持力层为粉质粘土,地基承载力特征值fak=195kpa,深度距地表2.5m,无地下水。
2.3 场地地震烈度为Ⅵ度。
2.4 材料:梁板柱的混凝土均选用,梁柱主筋选HRB400,箍筋选用HPB235,板受力钢筋选用HRB335.
3.2 框架截面尺寸确定
4. 楼板设计
4.1 楼板荷载
4.2 楼板配筋计算
5.1 框架柱线刚度计算
5.2 梁柱的跨度、高度及框架计算简图
6. 荷载计算
6.1 恒荷载计算
6.2 竖向荷载下框架受荷总图
6.3 风荷载计算
6.4 风荷载作用下的位移验算
7. 内力计算
7.1 恒荷载作用下内力计算
7.2 活荷载作用下内力计算
7.3 风荷载作用下内力计算
8. 内力组合
8.1 设计资料
8.2 楼面板
9. 内力组合
9.1 框架柱截面设计
9.2 框架梁截面设计
10. 楼梯设计
9.1 计算简图及截面尺寸
9.2 设计资料
9.3 梯段板设计
9.4 平台板计算
9.5 平台梁计算
11. 基础设计
10.1 最不利荷载选择
10.2 基础内力计算
10.3 基础配筋
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