第32章
docilelyin
her
hand
and
drooled.
南追有点被吓到了。,尽在晋江文学城
估计下68次做梦的主题就不是橡皮圈和68木棍了,
而是长白山的蛇神大人……
她一笼住,周学礼的呼吸也跟着68变了。
他也是首次如此,这68对于68周教授的羞耻心来说,无异于68一个巨大的挑战。
He
buries
his
head
in
the
crook
of
her
neck
as
if
to
escape,
not
daring
to
see
her
rea,
but
his
hand
c
the
back
of
her
hand
exerted
slight
force,
f
her
to
treat
him
harder
and
more
roughly.
She
is
a
little
afraid
of
hurting
him.
Malice
suddenly
arises
in
her
heart,
and
she
says
hoarsely:
"I
thought
my
dear
Professor
really
came
to
apologize..."
she
presses
her
hands
relentlessly
harder,
"Have
you
been
thinking
about
this
kind
of
thing
all
the
way?"
She
probably
doesnt
know
how
sadistic
she
is
when
she
says
such
words.
He
is
tortured
by
her
so
much
that
his
body
is
shaking
slightly.
Even
though
he
knows
that
she
is
teasing
him
on
purpose,
he
is
still
ashamed
and
begged
in
a
low
voice:
"Please,
dont
say
that..."
His
fingers
tries
trab
something,
but
the
et
door
is
so
smooth,
so
he
has
no
choice
but
to
exert
force
in
vain,
until
his
fiips
turn
white.
Nan
Zhui
is
captivated
by
his
lustful
and
aggrieved
look,
and
begins
to
kiss
him
untrolbly...
大脑里68热烘烘的一团,像是水浇在热炭上,“滋啦”一声,水雾弥漫,呼吸都困难。
她好饿,但又是被索取被吞咽的那个。
她的手仍被他握着68,带引着68……
等结束了这68个吻的时候,她的掌心湿漉漉、黏乎乎的,手臂和68柜门也不免遭了点殃。她握着68拳头,新奇地感受着68滑腻腻的触感。又恶心,又有种奇异的满足感。
他有些狼狈地放松了下68来,头抵在柜门上,喘得厉害。
出68于68安慰,她又亲了亲他的脸颊。
「我好喜欢周学礼啊……」脑海里68的这68个念头已经强烈到无法忽视了。她发现自己很喜欢这68样sese肉肉的小游戏,也喜欢周学礼真的在乎自己。